The Power of Our Words (00:56)

The Power of Our Words (00:56)

By being in the Word, it helps direct us on how to use our words to encourage and bring life to others and ultimately point people to Jesus. This clip comes from the sixth message in the series, Wise Words, originally given at Riverview Church.  You can watch the...
Should Christians pray before mealtimes?

Should Christians pray before mealtimes?

From time to time, I grab a meal with another Christian and when the food shows up, I dive right in. Sometimes, the people I am eating with look at me like I have just committed a grave, mortal sin.  What is my great sin?  Not praying before I took a bite.  It’s...
Helping the Powerless (00:39)

Helping the Powerless (00:39)

  Everyone has power to some degree and we should use it to point people to Jesus. This clip comes from the fourth message in the series, Wise Words, originally given at Riverview Church.  You can watch the entire message...
Powerless You, Powerful God

Powerless You, Powerful God

There’s almost no worse feeling than powerlessness. I’m not talking about your phone taking its last gasps at 7%, I’m talking about true powerlessness–those moments when you lack the ability to control your own destiny, when you feel like there...
Conquering Sexual Temptation (1:06)

Conquering Sexual Temptation (1:06)

You need a couple friends to help you conquer sexual temptations and one of them is Jesus. This clip comes from the third message in the series, Wise Words, originally given at Riverview Church.  You can watch the entire message...