Hi, I’m Noel.

I serve as the Teaching Pastor at Riverview Church (affectionately known as “Riv”) in the Lansing, Michigan area where I have been one of the pastors for almost 25 years.
I also serve as the Midwest Regional Director for Acts 29, working alongside pastors, church planters, and churches to start new gospel-centered congregations.
I’ve had the honor of teaching and coaching leaders in more than a dozen countries on five continents.
I am the author of two books: Unchained: If Jesus has set us free, why don’t we feel free? and Wretched Saints: Transformed by the Relentless Grace of God.
You can learn more about my books or order a copy here.
I occasionally write short form articles on Substack and if you want to read my old stuff, you can check out my old blog archive.
Wretched Saint.
I grew up in a home with parents who loved Jesus but, as many Christian kids do, I went sideways and slid right into unashamed hypocrisy that dominated my life for too long.
Then I read the Bible and the Jesus I found on those pages wrecked me and now I am stumbling after Him the best I can, trying to point people toward Him along the way.