We are way too easily offended. The utter inability to let a verbal (or online) offense go is becoming one of the defining traits of our generation and that is tragic because taking an offense well is a picture of the Gospel of Jesus. We need to learn to have thick...
A month or so ago, I made a comment during my sermon on politics that my faith compels me to be both Pro Life and Pro Black Lives Matter. The comment generated a decent amount of both thankfulness and criticism, primarily as it related to very real issues BLM is...
It’s easy to get caught up talking about ourselves. So when we are pointing people to Jesus, let’s make sure we are pointing people to Jesus and not ourselves. This clip comes from the second message in the series, Considering Jesus, originally given at...
One of our big priorities as a church is starting other churches. Each year, we give 10% of our money directly toward church planting efforts from Lansing to some areas we can’t tell you about oversees. Often, we support church planters we meet through Acts...
Happy Friday, here are five new links I have found for you. The One Sneaky Reason Marriages Fail Just because it wouldn’t hurt you doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt your spouse. When Skepticism is Atheism / Agnosticism in Disguise “Art, like morality,...