Recovering Hypocrite Podcast

Exploring the relentless grace of God directed at jacked-up people who don’t deserve it one bit.

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July is a key month in my personal spiritual rhythms because it’s the month I fast from social media and try to live a more analog life. But because of everything happening in the world, it almost seems wrong to disappear for a month. As I reflected on that, I realized that is exactly why I need to unplug for the month. In this episode, I explain why.

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In this episode, Noel talks with his friend Adam Ramsey, pastor of Liberti Church in Gold Coast, Australia and network director of Australia & New Zealand for Acts 29. They talk about why joy is a necessary and commanded attribute of a follower of Jesus, how COVID19 is impacting our joy, and why we desperately need technology sabbaths.

Episode Link

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In this episode, Noel talks with Joseph Harris, Coordinator of the Center of Diversity and Inclusion at DePauw University in Indiana and Ph.D. student in urban education literacy at Michigan State University. They talk about ways Christians and Pastors in predominantly white churches can practically think and talk about race issues, during times of crisis and in between.

Episode Link

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In this episode, Noel talks with Acts 29 church planters Tim and Patty Kimberley. They share about their journey from the Northwest to the Midwest and how they experienced the grace of God through some difficult pain.

Episode Link

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In this episode, Noel talks to author Dr. Nate Collins (founder of Revoice). They discuss Collins’ book, All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality.

Episode Link

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Bonus Episode Five

On this edition of the Quarantined Hypocrite Podcast, Noel talks about civil disobedience from a biblical perspective and how it applies to churches today.

Episode Link

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A conversation with Daniel Yang about how the church can, will, and must change during the present crisis.

Episode Link

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Bonus Episode Four

As we quarantine (or shelter in place), it is inevitable that we will begin to drive the people we love crazy. How do we survive this season without killing each other?

Episode Link

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Bonus Episode Three

When things seem out of our control, it’s probably because they are. So what do we do about it?

Episode Link

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Bonus Episode Two

In this short bonus episode, Noel talks through the gift God gives us when our plans are suddenly subverted.

Episode Link

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In this episode, Noel talks to church planter, professor, author, (and fellow self-quarantined pastor) Tony Merida about his church planting journey, the theological importance of church planting, the current church climate surrounding COVID-19, and the unique opportunity the church has to be counter-cultural during this crisis.

Episode Link

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Bonus Episode One

In this bonus episode, Noel talks about the recent “quarantining of the body of Christ” as many churches have cancelled services or moved them online temporarily. He talks about his personal experience with self-quarantining and gives two biblical reasons why it is entirely appropriate and Christ exalting for local churches to not gather in person for a season.

You can read more about Riverview Church’s Coronavirus response here.

Episode Link / Show Notes

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On this unusual episode, Noel chats with his fitness coach Dan Romigh (owner of Redemption Fitness) about a healthy Christian view of physical health. This episode will also be crossposted on Dan’s podcast Redemption Fitness and Beyond. Oh, and if you listen to the whole thing, you’ll get a chance to win some free stuff from Noel and Dan. So at least there’s that.
You can find Dan on Twitter and Instagram.

Episode Link / Show Notes

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This conversation starts with Noel reading some “Mic Drop” quotes from Help My Unbelief to the book’s author Barnabas Piper and then it wanders to parenthood, open theism, publishing, and the tension of living with faith in a God that reveals Himself in a way that often offers more questions than answers.

Episode Link / Show Notes

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In this episode, Noel Jesse Heikkinen (author of two OK selling books, Unchained and Wretched Saints) gives four tips to aspiring authors. If you are so inclined, you can grab a copy of either one for a discounted price or get a fancy Wretched Saint sticker for only $1 by clicking here by February 7, 2020.

Episode Link

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Lawfully Using the Law

As a young follower of Jesus,  Matt Ferris (a classically trained musician and IT guy by trade) noticed that many Christians talked about the Mosaic Law in the Bible in a decidedly unbiblical way. This drove him further into the Scriptures and further into his conviction that we mishandle this critical pat of the Word of God. Ultimately, this led to him writing one of the simplest and easiest to understand books on the topic: If One Uses It Lawfully: The Law of Moses and the Christian Life. In this episode, Noel chats with Matt about his book and about what a Christian’s posture ought to be toward the Law.

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Unnecessary Yet Vital Friendships

In this episode, Noel talks with his acquaintance 😬 Dr. Scott Keith about friendship and what we can learn from the likes of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, and the Inklings about the dangerous nature of those we hold most close.

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Halloween and the Reformation.

On the one year anniversary of the Recovering Hypocrite podcast, Noel chats with his friend Trike about Halloween and the biggest reformation truth churches are missing today.

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Who’s got two broken arms and a podcast? This guy.

Noel talks about his recent injury and what God has been teaching him as he recovers. He also worries that the whole public reflection exercise is a tad narcissistic .


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Grace and Law in the Parables (a chat with Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen)

Noel hangs out with a couple of his favorite Lutherans (Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen) to chat about grace and law in the Parables of Jesus.


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Snowflakes, Satire, and Shame (a conversation with Karen Swallow Prior)

Noel sits down with Karen Swallow Prior (English Professor at Liberty University) for a wide-ranging conversation about reading, preaching, tweeting, and the common tonal qualities of Twitter and 18th Century England.


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Irresistible Faith (Becoming the kind of Christian the world can’t resist) | An interview with Scott Sauls

On this episode, Noel talks with Scott Sauls, author of Irresistible Faith, about how you can’t become more Christlike by trying to be like Christ.

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The Grace of God for the weeks before Easter

In this episode, Noel takes a stroll through the few weeks leading up to Easter in the Gospel accounts, highlighting specific acts of grace in Jesus’s actions and words.

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Telling People to be Holy Doesn’t Lead to Holiness (Do we need another reformation?) | An interview with Elyse Fitzpatrick

On this episode, Noel talks about grace with his friend Elyse Fitzpatrick. They cover a lot of ground from the source of true strength in the Christian faith (spoiler alert: it’s joy) to the steel-toed boot of sanctification. It’s hard to explain this rambling conversation; you just have to listen to it.

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Graceless Conversations About Race (when you don’t know what to say but you say it anyway) | An interview with Joel Muddamalle

On this episode, Noel chats with his friend Joel Muddamalle, the Director of Theology for Proverbs 31 Ministries about the touchy topic of race. They talk about how there is not enough grace in a lot of racial conversations, why there is a desperate need to lay down our tiredness and (justified) frustrations for the sake of unity in the body of Christ, and the pervasive shame that hitchhikes alongside good intentions.

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When Social Media Turns On You (Living Your Faith In The Spotlight) | An interview with Michigan State University Quarterback Brian Lewerke

In this episode, Noel sits down with Brian Lewerke, the quarterback for Michigan State University’s football team. They talk about football, how he handles the inevitable criticism of someone in his position, and living out a public faith when social media turns on you.


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Saving a “doomed” marriage (and making it gloriously ordinary) | An interview with New York Times bestselling author Karen Ehman

In this episode, Noel sits down to talk with Karen Ehman (a New York Times Bestselling author who was told her marriage was doomed before it even began) about her new book Keep Showing Up, a refreshingly transparent and honest look at marriage born from the crucible of Scripture and experience.

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You’re a Wretch (and that’s okay) | Noel answers questions about his new book at a live event

For the debut episode of Season 2, Noel answers a bunch of questions at a live event about his new book Wretched Saintsincluding:
  • Why write this particular book after Unchained?
  • Can we ever live without something inside of us telling us we are doing our Christian life wrong?
  • Who was in mind when Noel wrote this book?
  • How does someone deal with a feeling of spiritual inadequacy?
  • Was the crazy definition of grace Noel used in the book developed as he wrote it or before?
  • Were Noel’s kids okay with him telling stories about them in the book?


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